The good & the bad side of being a girl developer.

Alejandra Muñoz (@girlcodemx)
2 min readJan 6, 2021


First of all, I’ve got to say that one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made is to become a STEM girl. A girl that can create a simple idea into a functional app that can help tons of people around the world. A girl with skills in logic, creativity, coding, leadership, just to mention few.

How i feel about being a girl in dev? Empowered.Amazing.

Ever since I started studying my IT career, I felt that i could make anything happen. If someone had a business idea, I could only think in how to make it available for everyone online by developing the app or website. If anyone had a tech related issue, it wouldn’t be hard for me to help out and bring out new ideas.

In few words, being a woman in tech pushed me to develop more skills with practice, patience, stronger minded, learned to fight against imposter syndrome, take my creativity to the next level, set me own timing when working remotely, disciplined, organized, become my own boss at home, set limits on my personal and professional life, learned to receive constant feedback, improve after that feedback, etc..

By the other side, if you are a girl in dev reading this article, i know you at least thought of one bad thing from this amazing career. Because in some way, we all have been there at least once.

Time to talk about ‘the bad side’ but to be honest, the ‘bad side’ at the end of the day, made you the strong woman you are today.

Yes, I’m talking about all those stereotypes inside the tech world, gender inequality on payments, sexism in all types & men (not all) telling you how women are less capable & have a harder time understanding basic computer science concepts.

ps. I’ve had amazing men co-workers & friends in the tech area, by amazing I mean that they support me, embrace my skills, make me feel that i’m growing, give me feedback that help me improve with years & mostly are proud of the whole women empowerment movement inside tech.

Soon right after this article I will show you 5 ways to overcome stereotypes inside the tech world & make you feel more empowered than the day before.

Welcome to the tech community, you strong & brave woman in tech.


Alejandra Muñoz.

